Activities & Clubs

SADD: (Students Against Destructive Decisions)

Sponsor: Mrs. Stebens

Dues: $10.00 

NHS: National Honor Society

Sponsor: Mrs. Johnson

The objectives of this chapter shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire for rendering service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage development of character in all students of Cimarron High School. Election to our chapter is based on scholarship, character, service, and leadership.

A five-member Faculty Council determines membership. A 3.5 cumulative grade point is necessary for an invitation to apply for membership. Current NHS members must maintain a 3.5-grade point average. Possible activities include an annual educational trip for juniors and seniors, participation in fundraising activities, leadership conference, and service activities. Students are expected to participate in any school-sponsored events designed for the National Honor Society. 

For a complete packet of information concerning the National Honor Society, please contact the NHS sponsor and /or school administration or visit the NHS page on the school website. 

No fees or dues 

TSA: (Technology Student Association)

Sponsor: Mr. Potts

The students work all home Wrestling matches.

We use our money to send the Adopt - a - Soldier boxes overseas.  We do go to the state fair and Salt mines.  This is the reward for helping with this project.

Dues $15.00

This pays for State and National

FFA: Future Farmers of America

Sponsor: Mr. Curtis

The students work to grow their skills in the agricultural area. Work to communication and bettering the environment 

Dues TBA

FCCLA: Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America

Sponsor: Mrs. Schmidt

FCCLA is a Career and Technical education student organization that is a leadership building, community service program focusing on the family and community. Students have opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of areas at district and state STAR events, they are encouraged to build strong family relationships, and to find ways to serve their community. Any student who is a current or former Family & Consumer Science student may join FCCLA.

$25 for high school 

$15 for junior high

Student Council

Sponsor: Mr. Whitehead

Student Council members act as representatives of the student body, serving as the middle man between students and administration. They are involved in planning Homecoming, Miss School Spirit, and other special days/activities throughout the year. We attend the Regional STUCO Conference in the fall and may have other field trips as activities are created (different each year). We have mandatory monthly meetings and will call impromptu meetings as things come up. Members are expected to follow the policies outlined in our Student Council Constitution (pending). Any high school student can be involved, but membership requires a vote by the class or organization you will be representing. Each class/organization will have their president AND a separate STUCO rep. At large reps may be added when the student body feel they are necessary. 

No fees (student responsibility for annual t-shirts and lunch during trips is dependent on each year’s financial situation).



Forensics is also known as Speech and Drama and it is a competitive activity.  It is regulated but Kansas State High School Activities Association. Students will learn how to prepare and present events for competitions.  Competitions are held at other schools both in our league and outside our league.  Students are competing for an opportunity to compete at state.  This activity helps students overcome stage fright and encourages students to be comfortable speaking in front of others.  Students also learn how to be comfortable being themselves.  This can be taken as a class and is an alternative to public speaking.  

No fees, but students are required to bring money or prepared meals during competition days.